Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mass Effect: Something went wrong here.

Not every game is perfect, because if it was, we would still be playing it till now. Instead, what we look for in a game is the experience of virtual life.

One said event was when my character was on assignment pinpointing a signal which lead him through the financial district and... lo and behold... a man stuck on a ceiling!

Now I figured, the other guy talking to the ceiling must've broke into a quarrel and took out the old spinach and sock it to him. I can't say much about the other guy, but the assailant was taken into custody soon afterwards.

Got a better story to this picture? post it up at the comments~!


Mr Syaf said...

hahahaaa!! Now that's just funny. Used to experience this a lot during those PC gaming years. I know i've been through things like this on a console but I just can't quite think of one off the top of my head. But still, this one's funny.

Were you supposed to talk to that guy?

Wan Rizla said...

nah man not really, he was just there... hanging out.. literally.. haha