Monday, December 17, 2007

Demo Review: Welcome To Paradise

Welcome to Paradise, a place like no other.
Downloaded the Burnout Paradise demo yet? I did but never got to install it until lastnight. And boy, was I in for a treat.

I forgot how fun the Burnout series have been and how much addicted I was to them. I would replay and replay the games and tracks over and over again for months. The only problem I had then was with the load times. Now imagine this, an open city, free roaming and a huge ass world for your burnout pleasure. You feel me? Yeah!

Although you are limited to a section of Paradise City in the demo, it's still fun looking for ramps, off track areas, hidden passages, etc. You get tons of traffic and best part, the demo includes online play. And this is where the fun part of Burnout Paradise really starts.

Multiplayer in Burnout is always fun. Ramming into your opponents, wrecking their cars and sending them into oblivion is pure joy. Back during the PSP years, wireless multiplayer was introduced and to smack your other people's cars just to see the looks on their faces is one of the things that make you go on. In Burnout Paradise, you get to record that look via a usb camera. But let's rewind back a bit to online play.

While driving around Burnout Paradise in single player mode, it's easy to get online. You don't have to exit your gameplay or go through different kinds of menus again just to get to the online lobby. All you have to do is press right on the d-pad and an online option will pop up. Then all you have to do is select the online option you prefer and next thing you know, you see cars from others playing online! That's how easy it is to get online. You do the same thing as well if you would like to invite your friends into your Paradise City. Via the right d-pad button, you can invite your friends to join your game and play with them. Getting online is as fast as playing Burnout itself! And if you have a USB camera connected, when an opponent hits and wrecks your car, the game will automatically capture a "Mugshot" photo of you at the moment of the crash and sends it over to your opponent! Imagine looking at their crushed face - ooohh~

Now less talk and go get that demo. If you are on PSN, invite me and I'll show you around Paradise City, the Burnout way *evil laughter*

*Narrator's Voice* Get Burnout Paradise, January 2008.

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