Well, well. It seems like some people in the "news" section needs to get their news correct. That or at least put up an effort to try and get to know the Gaming Industry much better.
In the video below, BBC is using Killzone 2's video to talk about Halo 3. How ignorant is that? Not only are they confusing the videos, they're actually combining two "rivals" from two rival consoles. Talk about idiots. In this case, international idiots. Have fun watching!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Is Killzone 2 really Halo 3?
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Thursday, September 27, 2007
TGS07: MGS4 with Dual Shock 3
Last week, the Dual Shock 3 was announced by Sony for the PS3. They claimed thet the Dual Shock 3 is no different than the Dual Shock 2 other than motion sensing. But Apparently, 1up seems to say otherwise.
In their preview of MGS4, 1up mentioned that "As explosions rattled around Snake, we could actually feel the direction from which they were coming based on what part of the controller virbated" confirming speculations you find all over the internet about the new PS3 controller.
So who's telling the truth here? And if what 1up claimed is true, why didn't Sony advertise that?
PS: Also, did you know that MGS4 is set in Medina, Saudi Arabia?
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Warhawk, A Story of A Respawning Soldier
You find yourself on one side of a battlefield. You look around and you see more people, teammates, joining in on the fight. Everything is silent as everyone runs towards their tactical positions. Picking up ammunitions, weapons, gears. Boarding 4x4s and tanks. Commanding turrets, machine guns. Piloting a Warhawk. The silence only lasted for a few seconds when the first explosion is heard.
You run, looking for something. Anything to survive. Picking up weapons and gears, you see an empty Warhawk at a distance. You get on and the Warhawk starts to hover. You switch into flight mode and a few seconds later you are zooming in the skies of Eucadia. All of a sudden, red lights start to flicker everywhere. Even before you realise what the warning sign meant, your Warhawk obliterates into a million pieces.
You respawn. This time, thinking you are better off driving a ground vehicle. You see a tank parked. You board and you start driving. You look at the digital map and find your enemy's base. You plan to capture their zone so your teammates have more place to respawn. But your thoughts didn't last long. You see a Nemesis flying through the sky, shooting at you. You see your enemies throwing grenades at your tank. And before long, before you can see what's coming at you, your tank explodes, bringing you down.
You respawn. You see a 4x4 and start to drive it. It's fast. It's light. And you think that you can easily outrun all the other vehicles, including soldiers on foot. You see an enemy in front and you ram into him. You see a Nemesis flying towards you, you outrun it between the trees. And finally, you reach an enemy base. And you drive towards their flag. But at the corner of your eyes, you see the shadow of a tank. Next thing you know, you've respawned.
You tell yourself, this is not the end. You respawn yourself next to a turret. You board the turret and start to aim at everything in the sky and the ground. Warhawks, Nemesises, tanks, 4x4s. They fall down to your missiles. You laugh and feel that you have finally conquered it all. But before success was reached, a foot soldier plants a rocket launcher at you.
You respawn. This is war.
The end.
Like my little story? That's the experience you get in Warhawk. Everything is fast. You don't get time to think much. You have to think in advance. Go plan fast. Know where you are going. Know what you are aiming at. Because if you don't, you die. And you will keep dying. And you will keep standing up. And you will try to find that last son of a bitch who just made you cry out fowl in your room.
Get Warhawk. I absolutely love it.
PS: Thought I'd include an old and new Warhawk videos. Look at how long you can survive in the old one compared to the latest Warhawk.
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Labels: air combat, gameplay, multiplayer, online, ps3, reviews, sony, third person, videos
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
TGS07: That Cowgirl Zombie Hunter
Remember Onechanbara? That girl with the cowboy hat? The one that fights zombies on the xbox 360? In bikini? Yeaahh, now you remember? Well, apparently, as crappy as the games were, somehow it's making another round of zombie slashing, this time for the Wii. Yes, still in bikini.
At TGS, a model was dressed in the heroine's clothing (as seen at the photo above). Famitsu took a lot of shots of the model which you can find here. Personally, I think she's got too much feather on her compared to the heroine in the game. I'm sure you'd agree too.
Anyway, someone at DailyMotion.com managed to grab a video of the game in action. Hmm, I don't know why I'm posting this really...
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Your Next F.E.A.R.
Not so long ago, the creators of F.E.A.R. held a 'Name Your Next F.E.A.R.' contest at their website. Welcomed by so many, they came up with 3 final names for the sequel to the game and the public gets to vote which one they choose. One of them was Project Origin, which is now the official name for the next F.E.A.R.
PS: I voted for Dark Echo (which was one of the final 3). Project Origin just sounds so... normal. Don't you think?
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Welcomed by an enormous long line at the Tokyo Game Show, the Square Enix's booth was packed with a lot of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fans. We all know what's coming up for the next Final Fantasy project but what about our beloved Kingdom Hearts?
Fear not, Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS at TGS and God knows what that title really means. I'm betting that the title will change once it gets out of Japan or at least to the US.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will feature, not Sora, but the other hero of KHII, Sora's Nobody Roxas. And instead of Sora's friends, you get the Roxas' from Organization XIII. This game also features four player co-op gameplay so you can play through the game with your buddies.
No release date has been announced so we'll have to wait on this one for now. Let's hope the trailer shown at TGS will make its way to the Internet soon.
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Let's Loco Roco!
Loco Roco Cocoreccho was released a few days ago on the American PSN and listening to the song just reminds me of how fun it was to play that little puzzle platformer on the PSP last year when I was so addicted to it, downloading all the demos of different holiday seasons. Note though, I think this "interactive screensaver" is overpriced at USD6.99 but I bought it anyway because I love Loco Roco.
Anyway, I haven't really played Loco Roco Cocoreccho since my hands are full with Warhawk (and trying to play Oblivion in between) but I will try it as soon as I feel like stopping playing Warhawk...
So... I thought, with the release of Cocoreccho, I'd dig up an old post of last year and paste it here. Ladies and gentlemen, the Loco Roco song.
Oh btw, if you are looking for the lyrics, you can view the old post here.
Posted by
Mr Syaf
TGS07: Afrika
Remember Afrika? Yeah, that trailer from last year that no one knew what it was all about but beautiful looking rendered animals and environments. Well, another Afrika trailer was released at TGS 07 and it looks - well - still gorgeous and still no idea how it's going to be played. Anyone have any idea what it'll be?
Posted by
Mr Syaf