Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TGS07: That Cowgirl Zombie Hunter

Remember Onechanbara? That girl with the cowboy hat? The one that fights zombies on the xbox 360? In bikini? Yeaahh, now you remember? Well, apparently, as crappy as the games were, somehow it's making another round of zombie slashing, this time for the Wii. Yes, still in bikini.

At TGS, a model was dressed in the heroine's clothing (as seen at the photo above). Famitsu took a lot of shots of the model which you can find here. Personally, I think she's got too much feather on her compared to the heroine in the game. I'm sure you'd agree too.

Anyway, someone at DailyMotion.com managed to grab a video of the game in action. Hmm, I don't know why I'm posting this really...

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