Guitar Hero, the game that has proven so popular even until its third installment. These music based games are fun, mimicking musical instruments by tapping buttons according to the beat. It's fun and can test your reaction time pretty well. Usually, I would play such games if they have a good music library. But I never played Guitar Hero before. Not the first nor the second. Why? Because of the fact that you can't get the guitar here in Brunei when it was out for the PS2 without ordering. So it was quite a turn off.
Now, it's a different story. More and more original games are coming into the country. And more and more games are making their way online. Guitar Hero III promises extra downloadable content via PSN and Xbox live and even now, new tracks are already available, such as Foo Fighters, for download. That, and the inclusion of a wireless guitar, made me put GHIII on the top of my most wanted list of games this November. And I finally got my wish.
Today, with my brother, we bought, not one, but two GHIIIs for our PS3s. And playing multiplyer rocks! Heck, my fingers are still aching for the whole afternoon of playing GHIII.
One thing I hate about the guitar is the use of AAA batteries. Yes, no recharging via USB. Which means, you got to stock up on batteries, just like the Wiimote. Annoying.
But all in all, GHIII is fun! And with the great music library, online play, promise of continuous DLC, this is the Guitar Hero to own! Let's rock baby!
View album here.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Rocking on Guitar Hero III
Posted by
Mr Syaf
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Proposal in Halo 3
Halo has made a huge impact on a lot of things and now, the latest installment, Halo 3, has helped combine two lives together. Through Halo 3, Moviesign made a Forge Map in Halo 3 and asked his girlfriend, Furtive Penguin, to join in. After asking her to follow him claiming a place where he had put an energy sword, they came to a secret place where Moviesign made a marriage proposal using various Halo weapons. Guess what she said?
A wedding date is yet to be set but furtive penguin said, "We're waiting to see what the release date is for the next Halo game. We don't want any conflicts."
Seems like the gaming world is filled with real romance after all huh?
Posted by
Mr Syaf