Sunday, January 27, 2008

Suggestions: Competitve Gaming in Brunei

It seems for most of time during our gaming times, I realized that we need something to fill in the gap. The guys over at Championship Gaming Series is an amazing piece of insipiring work of insanity and should be taken as an example of some of the events we need to do here. Though, it is VERY UNLIKELY for such a big event to come down here to our country, but if there was someone out there, who has the guts and foresight to see this through, I'd say it would prove to be successful.

Think for a moment, with the amount of audience and participants who attended the recent Brunei Cyber Games, it was evidence enough of how such an event can be a success, then how come we don't see many of those as we like to? Often times, its fun to play with friends and online cohorts, but at the same time we also have that primal need to show how awesome we are at Tekken 5. Yes, because bragging rights are one of the main criterias of a gamer.

Another issue here is variety. How come stuff like Halo 3, Call of Duty or to an extent Virtua Fighters aren't within the pipelines? Gamers out who are skilled and keen at showing off their prowess are undermined because like most trends-slaves, we'll definitely follow the next best thing to come out.

All I am saying is that diversity counts when it comes to competitions. Include small stuffs like MotorStorm or DiRT into the forray, and fighting games and so forth, just so as not to alienate other gamers who just have no interest in Guitars or football.

The idea here to cultivate a sort of wider view on the things, it doesn't matter if its just a soft-opening of say, an UNREAL Tournament just to test things, but its always good to find out how many gamers out there are interested.

The future can be bright for competitive gaming. If only we can open our minds and think outside the box without shredding it to pieces.

Got a better idea? post it over the comment box!

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