Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Internet Radio and DVR for PSP

I love my PSP. And I still do.
Owning a PS3 makes me even love the PSP more. Why? Because of Remote Play. Accessing the PS3 via the PSP when I'm at a cafe is pure awesomeness. Accessing my PSN via PSP is just pure greatness, especially reading messages left by you friends. And with the latest PS3 and PSP firmware updates, you can switch on your PS3 remotely via your PSP! Now that's just pure orgasmic. But to each their own.

Now, speaking of firmware updates, the PSP will get a new update soon in the form of version 3.80. With it, PSP owners (and I think it's really strictly in Japan) can record digital videos straight to their memory stick with their 1seg peripheral (its this device that can catch digital signals and view it on the PSP). Digital Video Recording is cool and I wonder if we can take advantage of it?

The update also includes an Internet Radio (as the screenshot shows) and hopefully this will be a great feature that a lot of us might love, though I don't really listen to the radio. But hey, you guys might!

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