Saturday, March 29, 2008

Smackdown! vs RAW 2009 Tag Team

One of Brunei's most watched sports is Wrestling. Or more specifically, WWE. Which is why I think that THQ's Smackdown! VS Raw series have sold so well here. But one of the problems with the series is how it gives and takes features as the each product gets released - though keeping most of what works in. This can be seen through its season mode, or 24/7 mode in 2007.

One feature that was once put in the story mode was the ability to go in as a tag team. Fans of this feature will finally be able to jump for joy as WWE SvsR 2009 will include a story mode for tag teams. 2009 will also see DLC put into place, most probably in terms of updating the roster. And speaking of online play, players will also be able to play tag team matches now.

Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, Undertaker and John Cena have been revealed to join in 2009's roster. More will be announced soon as the final number has yet to be revealed.

Check out the following video for SvsR 2009's tag team promo.

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