Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Racing to Reality

Wanna be a real racer? Well, turns out Gran Turismo is closer to real life racing than a lot of us gamers would've expected. F1 racers are making use of our favourite racing simulator Gran Turismo to learn tracks such as the layout and break markers, "the points where you must start killing speed to take an upcoming corner".

Here's another paragraph from the source site:

Apparently GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi clocked over 1,000 laps on a famous German track and then had a go at it in real life. In his first 12 laps he was driving at 90% capacity and after a few more he was clocking times that rivaled that of the pack.
Incredible how games are turning to a true simulator huh? Maybe I should try that Ferrari and then get one for myself just to test if it's true.

Read the rest here.

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