Sunday, December 04, 2005

Heaven for RPG Fans

I am currently playing Dragon Quest VIII at home on the PS2 while playing GTA (PSP) whenever I'm outside the home (and occasionally Burnout and SOCOM come in between). DQVIII is great so far. It feels like a traditional RPG in a 3D environment. The environment feels a bit outdated when you start comparing it to the likes of games like FF latest series, Fable or Romancing Saga of the current gen. Still, thank god the traditional feeling is a good thing.

I'm still not finished with DQ yet though. I'm not even sure if I'm half way through. Even at this stage, I'm loving the game. It will surely be one of those games I will look back in the future like I do with Final Fantasies and Kingdom Heart.

With a heck of a lot of RPGs coming lately, DQVIII stands out the most as of yet. This final quarter of 2005 is raining RPG. Shining Force Neo, Romancing Saga, The Legend of Heroes and Wild Arms are to name the others. Then there's Kingdom Heart II which I want to get my hands on now.

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